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Simon Page
Walking in The Cevennes - The campsite
An early start, 2017
Early morning, West Acre packing up, Villes Hautes, 23-6-15.
Looking out from Villes Hautes, 25-6-15.
Early morning set-off, 2011
Campsite breakfast, Villes Hautes, 2011.
Early Morning, packing up, Villes Hautes, 22-6-15.
Evening, after supper, Villes Hautes, 22-6-15
Early morning setoff II, 2011
Altier cooking 30-6-12.
Altier evening 29-6-12.
Campsite II, 2011.
Altier cooking II, 30-6-12.
Spag Bog, early evening, Villes Hautes, 21-6-15.
Nomad II, etching, 2011
Campsite Ville Hautes, Cevennes, June 2011.
Nearly ready, mid evening, Grove Boys, Villes Hautes, 21-6-15.
Nomad, etching, 2011
Lunch on the grass, a homage to
Manet 2011. Solar etching
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